Friday, February 25, 2011

"The lady in red"

Hoje tenho umas fotos legais da minha priminha linda que mora no Brasil! ...Bom, jah falei aqui do meu amor por essa tonalide de vermelho neh? E quando vi essas fotos nao resisti e pedi a ela pra postar aqui pra voces.
Divirtam-se no  final de semana! Vou cuidar de daughtercita que ainda estah se recuperando da gripe.

Here are some nice pics of my beautiful little cousin from Brazil! Well, I have already shared with you about my love for this shade of red…and when I saw this pictures I could not resist to ask her to post it for you.
Enjoy your weekend!! I gotta go…I need to take care of daughtercita that is still recovering from the flu.


  1. looks stunning in the red dress :)

  2. nice first picture and you look wonderful in red :)

  3. minha prima, aliás chiquéérrima! Essa foto ainda fará sucesso daqui uns 50 anos! =)
    show de bola!

  4. uauuu como a Dálete tá chique nesse fotos estão super profissionais...tá parecendo uma top model.

  5. your cousin looks fabulous , amazing shots !
    my daughter had also the flue , 3 weeks ago, so i could staye at home to take care of her, it's so important that they have there mommy when they are sick. x
